According to IBO “School culture refers to the written and unwritten rules that define how a school functions. It also encompasses personal and collective well-being, the effective utilization of physical and human resources, and the extent to which a school acknowledges and celebrates diversity. As part of developing culture through policy implementation schools develop, implement, communicate and review effective policies that help to create a school culture in which IB philosophy can thrive (IB Programme standards and practices). ISE policies considered the IB, CIS and NEASC requirements and best educational practices that inform our practices. Integrity, honesty, and being ethical aren’t values that one should live by when it’s convenient. They are values that one should live by all the time. ISE Academic Integrity Policy focuses on prevention and promoting good practice. It is our goal for the entire school community to view the principles of the Academic Integrity Policy positively. At the International School of Estonia, assessment informs the learner, learning and teaching, and the learning community through the monitoring, documenting and measuring of learning. Assessment (formative and summative) is ongoing, shows what students know, understand and can do. ISE promotes the values of care and compassion and daily seeks to foster wellness in the lives of students. The ISE Child Safeguarding Policy aims to protect the student, the family and the ISE community. It ensures that the right to protection and access to confidential support systems is available to all students.Schoolwide Policies